Should You Wait Until Your 30's to Get Married?

2 years ago

Our culture seems heavyset against young marriage--marrying as early as your 20's or your late teens--in spite of the fact that that has been the norm for ages. It is only in recent decades, when Western Civilization became comfortable with a 78-year average lifespan, that someone decided everybody south of their 30's was "too young" to get married.
Is there any truth to this? Is 18 old enough to join the military and carry a machine gun but too young to have a family? Is 18-years-old really too young to make that commitment? Is 25? Should we continue encourage young couples to remain unmarried until they have "enough money and education?" What does "enough" even mean?
At what age should we consider getting married? How long should we be expected to extend our adolescence and put off having a family? What are the drawbacks of that postponement?

I come bearing answers to these questions and more.

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