Take it Easy: The Middle Way of Not Seeking and Not Avoiding

3 years ago

Weekly LIVE Group Satsang Meetings in the NOW:

A fresh look at the mechanics of desire! The pull of your aversions and attractions causes distress, a sense of lack, incompleteness, and a permanent struggle. This meditative inquiry helps you remove the psychological barriers to happiness and higher consciousness. Often times we believe that if we work hard at it; meditate long hours, master all the yoga Asanas, we will finally reach the sought after goal of Enlightenment. The Western approach of doing and achieving does not work in the case of consciousness. People have a lot of ideas about what Enlightenment entails; there is a common misconception whereby I have to do, achieve, or gain something in order to attain the Self.

Stop for a moment and examine your ingrained subconscious patterns that make you push yourself and demand that you adhere to certain ideals. The idealised image in your mind causes you to contract and that is called STRUGGLE. In this struggle, you are asking reality to match your ideal. Inadvertently, the message that you are communicating to the Universe is that this NOW moment is not enough. Relax your mind and heart, as you slow down this incessant force of wanting or pushing away, allow peace, acceptance, and love to arise. As the struggle is released, inner balance and natural joy take its place.


Mindo is an enlightened teacher helping others to reach Non-Duality, Enlightenment, and Full Consciousness. Mindo has helped over 550 people raise their Levels of Consciousness and discover their Highest True Potential, Freedom, and Power.

There are now 20 Enlightenment Realized Students!

Full Consciousness Transmissions One-on-One via Skype or Zoom:

Mindo offers a clear insight into the Enlightenment, Spiritual Openings, and Levels of Consciousness (LOC), helping to support you through every aspect of the spiritual journey and the process of awakening.

Mindo delivers the Full Consciousness Transmissions and holds weekly Satsangs, Meditation Meetings, Workshops, and International Retreats.

For more information about these teachings, to receive your Full Consciousness Transmission session via Skype or Zoom, for upcoming workshops and local and international retreats, please visit https://www.SatMindo.org

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