The Liberty Belles Continue with "Mental Health Awareness" Month

2 years ago

The Liberty Belles continue “Mental Health Awareness” month broadcasts.
I began with my friend from Australia's post about the concerns of New Age. 5G and more. From there, you should be able to follow the trail, especially when you listen to the show. Please share!
From Cindy in Australia:
(My note: Ties to transhumanism & Gaia):
Ties Musk to New Age:
(My note: Musk is tied to new age):
Facebook is advertising Better Health daily and in several ways like this:
(Better Health)
BH's main website:
Their licensed dr page:
(Be sure to look at the media coverage and partnering groups. One of them is the APA (American Psychological Association). Other media sources are Psychology Today, The Atlantic, ABC network, Wall Street Journal, Chicago Tribune, and HuffPost.
Here's my article on the Psychology Today tie to education:
The on-line 'marketplace' for the best therapists:
Better Health is owned and operated by this giant tech healthcare overreaching company (scroll down to the bottom of the page to see endorsements and the other agenda points for all virtual health care):
LOOK at the profits for Teladochealth!
Facebook is also advertising in multiple ways the entity called Mind Valley.
This one will definitely tie back to Cindy's warnings in her FB post.
The videos are down right creepy and ridiculous. So much so, you have to see them to believe that this group is actually hosting a UNIVERSITY for mind manipulation and leading folks to false religions or lack of any religion!
First example the Prius 'ad' for Mind Valley:
MV's main website:
A review of MV:
The founder of MV also has a creepy FB ad:
More resources (not to overwhelm, but to completely connect the dots):
Gaia, UN & Satanism in culture & especially education:
This one showed Gaia worship, Occupy Wall Street movement (meant to attack our econ system) and the Lausanne Covenant:
Note that in these 2 above, you will find links to documents & videos.
This link will take you to my 2 pages worth of interviews on transhumanism and how it ties to all of the above:
This link is everything I have on technocrats which tie into all of the above:
Of course MINDSPACE is interwoven into this garbage.
The Liberty Belles on Rumble:
Lastly, and related to Gaia/UN; this interview centered on the season of Lent being usurped for the SDGs:

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