How to play Sorry Rivals

3 years ago

Learn the rules to the board game Sorry Rivals quickly and concisely - This video has no distractions, just the rules.

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The object of the game is to be the first player to get all your pawns from your start to your home. Shuffle the deck and deal 5 cards to each player, then place the deck face down on the board. Players looks at their own cards but keep them hidden from their opponent. Each player picks a color and puts their pawns in their matching color start space. The youngest player goes first then turns alternate. On your turn play 1 card from your hand to the discard pile and follow its instructions, moving one of your pieces around the board. Pieces move clockwise around the board unless otherwise specified. After you move, you draw 1 card from the deck.

As you move around the board, your pawns may jump over other pawns, counting the jumped space a 1 space. If you land on the same space as an opponent’s pawn, then you bump that pawn back to it’s start space. Two pawns of the same color may never occupy the same space. You may not bump your own pawn.

If you land by exact count on the beginning of a slide, indicated by a triangle, and that slide includes your color, then you must slide your pawn to the end of the slide and bump off all pawns, including your own, back to their start spaces. If you land on a slide that doesn’t have your own color, or you land in the middle of a slide, then you stay put. You must move if you can, even if you don’t want to. If you are unable to move, you lose your turn.

When your piece makes it all the way around the board, you continue moving into your safety zone then into your home. You do not need to move into your home by exact count. The first player to get all 3 of their pawns into their home space, wins.

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