How to play Avalanche Chess

2 years ago

Learn the rules to Avalanche Chess quickly and concisely - This video has no distractions, just the rules. For a refresher of the original Chess rules, check out this video:

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After you move one of your pieces you must move one of your opponent’s pawns 1 space forward, towards your side of the board. To mitigate white’s first turn advantage, White does not push a pawn until their second turn.The pawn that is moved, called a 'push', is always moved a single space, and the move is never a capture.

When performing your normal move, before the push, you cannot move your king into check, or leave it in check, planning to undo the check with a pawn push. You must perform a pawn push at the end of your turn unless the opponent does not have any pawn that can legally be advanced. If your push a pawn so that it places your king in check, you loses the game immediately because your opponent would take your king on their next turn even if they were in check or checkmate.

When a pawn is pushed to the last rank, the owner of the pawn decides what piece it is promoted to. If the promotion results in a check to the player pushing the pawn, then that player immediately loses the game. En-passant is not allowed.

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