It is happening 5/22-5/28. Your medical sovereignty is being given away by Biden. Must watch NOW.

2 years ago

Brief explanation of Agenda 21, which was agreed and signed by 179 nations. Covid was created and released as a means to further this agenda, so pay attention.

(Note: Agenda 21 is now referred to as Agenda 2030)

Joe Biden, the illegal president, loser of the 2020 election (if you haven't' seen the movie/documentary "2000 Mules" and still believe Biden legally won the 2020 election, you need to see this movie/documentary by following this link: has already agreed to put the USA under control via this upcoming week's meeting and will give your sovereign rights away to a totalitarian organization who will have CARTE BLANCHE to mandate medical actions for the USA.

You will be told when to mask up to the next fake fear pandemic.
You will be told when to get the jab so you can be killed prematurely.
You will be told when to stay at home to self quarantine.

In short, you will now be under the thumb of The World Health Organization, Klaus Schwab, the Deep State, The Davos Group, call it what you will.

And now, you'll start hearing the next fear-based pandemic - the monkeypox virus. All designed to control you and eventually to have you get "vaccinated" which, as we've found out with the fake Covid plandemic, is merely a fake virus designed to have you stand in line to get a jab, the contents of which have now been proven to KILL YOU.

Don't believe that? Okay, watch a few of these videos to find out that horror is real:

Wake up and start realizing what is going on!

Source of this video: Patriot Alerts telegram channel:

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