How to play Puzzle Board Chess

3 years ago

Learn the rules to the board game Puzzle Board Chess quickly and concisely - This video has no distractions, just the rules. For a refresher of the original Chess rules, check out this video:

Don't own the game? Buy it here:
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Tiles & Plastic pieces -
Tiles & Wooden pieces -
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The rules are the same as regular chess, except for these changes. Give each player a standard set of chess pieces in opposing colors. Place 1 puzzle board tile in the center of the table as the game board and give each player 8 puzzle board tiles. Pick a player to go first then turns alternate. On your turn, connect 1 of your puzzle board tiles to any available spot on the gameboard with a minimum of 1 connection points. Orient the tile or flip it over to retain the checkerboard pattern. Place one of your pawns on your placed tile to indicate it is yours. Pawns are only used during setup to distinguish each player’s tiles and not used for play. You may not move a puzzle board tile once it has been placed. And you are allowed to connect to an opponent’s placed tile. Once all the tiles have been placed, the board is now built.

Players now simultaneously place their non-pawn chess pieces on any of their controlled tiles, removing the pawns from those tiles. Players may move and rearrange their pieces as many times as they want. You may place your bishops on the same color spaces if you want. You may not place your king into check, nor may you place a piece in a position that checks your opponent’s king. Once all players are satisfied with their positions and no more rearranging happens, then remove any remaining pawns from the board and the game begins.

Pieces move like they normally do, with these distinctions. Knights can jump over gaps in the board so long as they retain their “L” movement and land on a physical square. Bishops and Queens can travel diagonally between tiles with adjoined corners even if they aren’t connected by the tabs. You are not allowed to castle. The first player to checkmate their opponent, wins!

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