How to play Monopoly Voice Banking

2 years ago

Learn the rules to the board game Monopoly Voice Banking quickly and concisely - This video has no distractions, just the rules. For a refresher of the original rules of Monopoly, check out this video:

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The object of the game is to have the most money when the first player goes bankrupt. Layout the board and place the title deed cards next to their matching property spaces. Put the houses, hotels, dice, and get out of jail free card next to the board. Each player chooses a token and places it on go. Give each player a reference card. Turn the banking unit to the on position and place it in the center of the board. When the banking unit asks who is playing, press the corresponding icons that match each player’s token. The game will begin and each player will be credited $1500.

Everyone rolls the dice and the player with the highest total goes first. Then play proceeds clockwise. On your turn, roll both dice and move your piece exactly that many spaces clockwise around the board. Then take actions based on where you landed by pressing your token’s icon on the banking unit, wait for the beep, then use the appropriate voice command. If you roll doubles you get to roll and move again; unless it is the 3rd time you’ve rolled doubles in a row, then you do not take a third turn and you go straight to jail.

At the end of your turn pass the dice to the player to your left. As soon as they roll, your turn is officially over. If you land on an unowned property you must buy it or put it up for auction. To buy, press your icon then say “buy". Wait for the ping sound then speak the name of the property. Take the title deed and place it in front of you. To auction a property, say “auction off”. After the ping, say the property’s name. the bidding starts at $50 and each bid increases the price by $50. To bid, press your icon. You do not need to bid in turn order. When the auction ends, the banking unit automatically pays the price for the player and they take the title card. If no player wants the property then no player bids and the property stays with the bank.

When you land on a property that another player owns, you need to pay them rent if they ask for it. To pay them, say “pay rent on”, then after the beep, say the property’s name. If you need the banking unit to undo the last step, press the x button. Please note that you can only undo the recent most action. Pressing the circle arrow will cause the unit to repeat the last thing it said.

When you land on or pass go, collect $200 from the bank by saying “pass go”. If you land on chance, say “chance card”. The banking unit will tell you what card you drew and what happens. If you land on a railroad, say “train ride” and the banking unit will tell you where to move you token to. If you pass go, do not collect $200. If you land on free parking or just visiting, nothing happens. If you land on trade, you may pay $100 to trade any single property of yours with any one of your opponents that you choose. However, you may not trade properties in a completed colored set that have at least 1 building on them. To trade, say “Trade”, then after the ping say the name of YOUR property that you want to trade, then when prompted say the name of the property you are trading for. Finally swap title deeds with the player to traded with. You may not trade with other players outside of this.

If you land on go to jail, then put your token in jail and do not collect $200 for passing go. To get out of jail, at the start of your turn you may pay $50, use the get out to jail free card, or roll doubles. To pay $50, or use your get out of jail free card, say “get out of jail”. Then you can roll and move like normal. You get 3 chances to roll doubles. If you do, then you are free and may roll and move like normal. If you don’t roll doubles by your 3rd turn in jail, then you must pay $50 and use your last roll to move.

When you own all the properties in a matching-colored set you may build buildings on them. To build, say “build a house” or “build a hotel”. When prompted say the property’s name then place that building on it. Each property may only have 1 house or 1 hotel on it. After you build a house then you can upgrade it to a hotel by replacing the house with a hotel, however, if you have enough money, you can also build straight to hotels. You may not sell building back to the bank and if the game runs out of houses, you must buy straight to hotels or wait for someone to lose their house to debt.

If you don’t have enough money to pay, you must pay with properties you own....

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