Turning it into Water by Al Stewart ~ Losing the Miracle of Christ's Wine Within Us

2 years ago

Al Stewart is one of the Best Singer/Songwriters ever to record music, as Al never wrote a song that wasn't Alchemical in nature, and this brilliant track is no different...in the Song, Stewart speaks to our current reality where MOST people on Earth no longer possess the Miracle of Christ Consciousness flowing Freely within themselves, where our Blood Magically transforms into the Blessed Wine of Jesus Christ...

And the cause for this tragic loss of Life, Magic and Wisdom is SINNING...and this message aligns perfectly with what Jesus Christ taught us thru the pages of the New Testament in the Bible, where Christ made it so very clear to us, that He came to eradicate SIN, not Romans...for when we Sin, we are Fornicating with the Babylon Whore, instead of Cultivating our Hallowed Family thru Virtue with our Righteous and Pure, Sacred Mother Mary...

Thus, Sinning is at the Heart of all of our problems within this Cabalistic World of Temptation...the message could not be more clear for all of us to see...Jesus Christ, the Son of Man, came forward to SHOW US THE WAY, the Way of God, which is Strait and Narrow, which is without Sin, and embodies Honesty, Kindness, Integrity and Strength for all of God's Creation, no matter the circumstances...

And this truly explains the Parable of Jesus Turning the Wedding Waters at Cana into Wine...God's Miracles can Happen, Moment to Moment, when we exist of this Christic Path of Righteousness, and it references the transformation of our own Blood from being Lifeless and Thin, as a meek River of Toxic Waters, into a Torrent of Richness and Wealth within ourselves...a River of Magical WINE, comprised of the Sweetness of Honey, a taste that repels Vampires and rewards us with Eternal Life...

Thus, the ultimate Innerstanding of this Parable at Cana is that we are here to do the Righteous work in our own Lives, thru Virtue, to allow Jesus Christ to Rise Supremely within ourselves, so that He may become the Captain of our Vessel, guiding us always Up and to the Right hand side of God in Heaven Upon Earth...the Choice is Ours...Eternal Life with God by embracing the Life and Times of Jesus Christ, or the Endless Wheel of Pleasure and Pain, sans Christ our Lord...

Choose, but Choose Wisely, and allow the River of Christ Consciousness flow Freely Within you by Taking No Thought for your Life, and Trusting in God in All Moments...

So, Sit back, Relax, and Enjoy this masterpiece to the glory of God's Creation, and please remember friends that Colleen and I take care of 75 Animals here at our Animal Rescue Sanctuary, if you can comfortably afford to donate a little towards the costs of caring for our precious Family, we would greatly appreciate it...if you cannot afford to help, you can help in other ways, including sending us your Intentions of Love, of Strength and of Wisdom...you can send a monetary donation to:


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Aarongorn Dunbar:


Charlie Freak and Colleen:

Justin Carpenter:

Enjoy, Love, CF

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