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A Vax or Not a Vax

3 years ago

I was very interested in the exchange between Rand Paul and Dr. Faucci in the latest rounds of C19 hearings on the hill. It got me thinking about all the information we have gotten since the beginning of the "pandemic", and how we are handling the vaccine rollout. Why is the information being so misinterpreted? What is really in the vaccine and how much is the MSM now admitting in order to move forward in the Biden Administration? I screen grabbed some information to share and we talk about science denying labels on people who are just trying to understand the truth.

Note: The opinions expressed in this video are my own and not necessarily the popular views of others.

Information used in this video has been obtained from: CDC.gov, The New York Times, and Cato.org

Email: WiccanConservative@gmail.com


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