Your S-T-Able Soul

2 years ago

Welcome to Always Ascending Academy!

I am your Cychadelic Cychopomp, Chase Clarence Calloway, and in this video I'm using Calloway's Caduceus to Clearly Communicate with your Colorful Consciousness about the TRUE NATURE of the SOUL.

Humans used to have a collectively agreed upon understanding of what the Ego is, what the Soul is, what the Mind is, what the Body is, and how these are all created by your Spirit so you can experience your Space with Spiritual Spaces outside of yourself.

So what happened?

The Library of Alexandria was burned down, effectively destroying the infinitely valuable wisdom held inside and plunging humanity into the dark ages.

Knowledge is power, and without the Library of Alexandria, 99% of humans became powerless, ignorant, and fearful.

But what happened to all of the ancient world's wisdom?

The Secret Societies that stole everything they possibly could from Zoroastrianism, Hermeticism, Odinism, and Egyptian-Mesoamerican Culture overall decided to use the information that Mercury shared to Liberate humanity so they could become the Mono-Theistic Masons that Make Money by Enslaving humanity.

Mercury shared with you what a Soul is.

Masons stole from you what a Soul is.

Masons stole all of their ideas from Mercury because they need the wisdom of Metatron to Make Money out of your Muscular Mind.

Once you Tap in to the Root of the CymaTree, you'll be at the right Vibrational Frequency to learn what Masons stole from Mercury and, more specifically, how your Spirit creates a Soul that allows your Bodily Structure to Vibe, Resonate, and Connect with other Spirits.

Why don't Jewish Masons want you to know what your soul is?

Because they need you to believe that their God created you so you'll happily support their genocidal matrix, so they use stolen wisdom to teach you that you only live once before being judged.

But if you're in tune with your soul, then you can't be convinced that you've "only lived once." Your soul holds onto all of your memories, from this life and ALL OF YOUR PAST LIVES.

Once you know that you have all of your past life memories inside of your soul, you know for an absolute fact that you are the one and only God of YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES, and your circumstances (spirit) don't exist (mind) if you don't feel like (soul) expressing yourself (ego) through things that make sense (body)

Your soul is the structure that allows you to feel connected with spaces outside of yourself. Without a soul, you don't have empathy for other souls. Thus, it would be impossible to build any real relationships with anyone outside of yourself. Reality doesn't feel real when you don't have a soul.

Thus, every spirit alive has a soul. If you are experiencing life through a structure that is maintained by a consistent vibration (Heart-Beat) then you have a self-sustaining soul (Water) that wants to use your human body (Earth) to connect with other life forms.

Now you can comprehend how Infinitely Indigenous Individuals create Simulated Universes that Light-Supremacist Colonizers need to invade and consume.

Chiquetet Connects Atlantis

Idris Connects The Middle East

Zoroaster Connects Asia

Hermes Connects Europe

Tehuti Connects Africa

Quetzalcoatl Connects America

Spider-Man Connects Universes

Enoch Connects Hell

Iracel Connects Heaven

Metatron Connects The Metaverse

Odin Connects Asguard

Mercurius Connects Mercury

Hermanubis Connects Families

Chase Connects Space

CymaTree Connects Nature

All Of Your Internal Natures are Cultivated Out Of Your S-T-Able Soul, And The Knowledge You Have About Wisdom Becomes The Fruit You Bear

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