Speed to Value MasterClass with Victor Antonio

2 years ago

MASTERCLASS: Speed-to-Value: Onboard Faster and Increase Retention

One of the biggest challenges companies and maybe you face today is hiring new people and getting the to start contributing immediately. As the labor market continues to be tight and finding new talent becomes more and more of a challenge, we need to rethink and redesign how we onboard new hires.

In this masterclass, I will show you what you can do to increase your speed-to-value, which simply means, how we get new employees up and running faster and more importantly, more effectively.

We've done training wrong!

What the science tells about training and increasing content retention doesn't match with how businesses are currently onboarding people. In this masterclass, you will discover new training methods that not only help you train faster but how you can make the training durable (i.e., make it stick).

- Find out why practice, practice, and practice don't work.
- Understand how neuroplasticity works and how to apply it to training.
- Learn 3 ways of training that will increase retention and comprehension
- Which learning style is more effective: auditory, kinesthetic or visual
- 10 things you can do to make 'content sticky' and easy to recall
- Train new hires or existing salespeople on scientifically proven methods of - purposeful practice (it's not what you think).
- Avoiding the 'Illusion of Knowing'
- How to use the Elaboration Method for better comprehension and memory recall
- Why re-reading material doesn't work for long-term memory
- When is the best time to give corrective feedback
- Why a 'memory plug' can help you learn more
- Increase your memory recall of crucial content

The goal of this masterclass is to show you techniques that will help you learn more, make the learning durable, and help your performance in any aspect of the business.

If you learn these techniques, you'll be able to communicate more effectively and be more prepared whether you're presenting to a colleague, leader or client.

#speedtovalue #onboarding #salestraining

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