❓❓178 Years Of Complications❓❓

2 years ago

"Modern" communications have connected you 24/7/365
More data at your finger tips than anytime in history.
New sources of "news" launching nearly daily.
"Real-time" reports from your Team - by the minute.
And perhaps less useful information than anytime in human history.
How do you lead effectively as chaos increases around you?
Top-performing leaders use a deceptively simple strategy.
Find out what it is on this Episode of Wolfe's Watch!!

Join us LIVE! for an interactive, 1 hour conversation on that and why these 5 strategies work. Wed., May 25th at 1pm Pacific Time. Bring your questions, and your colleagues!
No charge, but only the first 30 to register will be part of this LIVE!, interaction conversation.
To claim your spot click the link below NOW:

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