How to play 1D Chess

2 years ago

Learn the rules to the Gardner Puzzle game 1D Chess quickly and concisely - This video has no distractions, just the rules.

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The object of this single player puzzle game is to figure out how white can checkmate black’s king. On a 1 by 8 board, place white’s pieces from left to right: King, Knight, and Rook. Mirror this setup for black. The king moves 1 square in either direction. The knight jumps 2 squares in either direction. The Rook moves any number of squares in either direction. You are not allowed to castle. The game is a draw if you stalemate, have insufficient material, or repeat the same board position 3 times in a game. Can you figure out how white can checkmate black? Check out the link in the description for where you can play online for free.

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