A Conversation with Cometan | S3E14 | Irene Mary & Derrick Taylor's Traditionalist Catholicism

2 years ago

Irene Mary Taylor (1932-2015) and Derrick Taylor (1930-2011) were a couple from Lancashire, England who married on 27th March 1954. Irene, a former tailoress and Derrick, a collier, gardener and milk roundsman, they parented twelve children in total (ten surviving) and resided at 222 Longmeanygate in Leyland. Although Mr and Mrs Taylor were ordinary Lancashire folk, it is only now that when reflecting upon their lives following both of their passings that their extraordinariness is revealed. The solidly Traditionalist Catholic lives they lead are now propelled into the spotlight in their honour as part of their Cause for Beatification. It is Irene Mary's absolute dedication to the practice of Catholicism and it is Derrick Taylor's instinctual draw to the Catholic faith from childhood despite being born an Anglican that embody just two of the many elements of their religious identity. Cometan, one of their grandsons, now tells the story of his grandparents' approach to Catholicism, how and why they incorporated religion into every aspect of their lives, and how their unfaltering love for the Church and the especially Latin Mass actually resulted in Derrick Taylor's experience of interior locution (hearing the voice of God) during his lifetime on at least two separate occasions.

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