Former Senior Advisor to the Trump campaign, Corey Lewandoski, joins Mike to discuss the importance of voting for the right candidates for the sake of our country's future

2 years ago

Corey Lewandowski was the Trump 2020 Campaign Adviser and was a campaign manager for Trump’s 2016 campaign for President. Corey joins Mike to discuss the bombshell story on Hillary Clinton approving the dissemination of the Trump-Russia hoax to the media. Hillary’s campaign manager admitted this during testimony in court. Corey points out how the mainstream media is not covering the Michael Sussman trial at all. They are giving it zero attention. Sussman lied to the FBI & this is something that would get anybody in trouble. Corey agrees that this is the biggest political scandal in modern history. Will there be any accountability? Where do we go from here? Will Donald Trump run for President again in 2024?

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