Survey on miscarriages since 2020 reveals ALL happened since start of vaxx campaign 😱 | Steve Kirsch

2 years ago

Steve Kirsch asked respondents in a recent survey: "Do you personally know of any woman who had a miscarriage a.k.a. spontaneous abortion since 2020?"

903 people responded so far. ALL of the reported miscarriages were on or after January 2021, i.e. the start of the mass COVID vaxx campaign. Said differently, NONE of the reported miscarriages were in 2020, even though this is about 42% of the total period.

I'm struggling to find any reasonable explanation for this that does not incriminate the COVID injections as highly toxic.

It could be that some respondents misinterpreted the question to mean miscarriages *after* 2020. I personally filled out the survey and interpreted "since 2020" to mean on or after January 1, 2020.

Even if you take into account that most of the respondents were awake COVID vaxx skeptics, the responses are still incriminating.

It could be that some of the miscarriages had no relationship whatsoever to the mother or the father getting the COVID jab before or during pregnancy, but the huge disparity is still a huge danger signal.


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