Demonisation of the Working Class: Refuting Jordan Theresa Part 2

3 years ago

In this second part on the demonisation of the working class refuting Jordan Theresa, she continues her flawed argument against individualism without fully comprehending what it means and mentions about new Labour neglecting the working class and how the BNP took advantage of this.

What Jordan Theresa fails to comprehend is that all the good intentions voters have and what they wish for is all pie in the sky, it's all well believing in greater representation in parliament from socialists, but economic reality will never permit them for what they believe in, which is why the Labour Party are damned if they do and damned if they don't, there is no way out for them; they either move more in the direction of socialism to appease the left and destroy the economy leading to riots, cling onto the mixed economy which is already causing disruption as they claim they are neglectful, or give up on socialism and face more riots.

Socialists don't understand economics, if they did, they would understand why the likes of Tony Blaire were never going to be like that of old Labour prior to Margaret Thatcher.

Whilst I can agree to a certain extent with the message Jordan Theresa makes regarding the demonisation of the working class, she doesn't understand that her own socialism is the cause of such unemployment problems, etc and this is where the problem lies with her argument, she seems to believe that socialism is the solution to her problems, when, in real fact, socialism is the cause of the problems in working-class communities. The solution is the free market, but we've already established the fact they oppose capitalism.

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