🔰 Was the election result really a surprise?

2 years ago

Expectations VS Reality

Have we grown significantly? Yes.

Did we lack volunteers?

Do the left try harder than us?

Just as everyone else does, we have to work for everything we have. Success doesn’t happen overnight. Now is not the time to quit especially with 4-6 senate spots up for grabs.

The senate is the slow progress to a freedom takeover in the future.

We need as many people scrutinising the senate count so PLEASE put your hand up if you can as the AEC are understaffed and we need to supervise what goes on in there. Contact your local freedom candidate to offer your time.

We can not throw in the towel because we didn’t get what we wanted in the immediate sense, we have stagnated in terms of community growth for a while because of the hostility within this community.

Together we have become vastly intolerant of dissenting ideas, which ironically seems to be everything we are against.

How can we expect growth when as a community we accept next to no standards when it comes to burden of proof, and have zero tolerance for those who rebel against bold and baseless claims made from within our ranks?

Those who have the monopoly on protests and event organisation were so afraid to be called shills that they held back on messaging that encouraged you all to become volunteers this election.

The popularity contest/tribalist mentality has compromised us, and paralysed us from acting in our own best interest for the long-term good in this area of strategy.

Minor parties and independents this election were under-funded, and as a gross understatement: Not a single one of them had their house in order.

Not only did minor parties not operate effectively at a party level, they also chose to shoot each other in the foot publicly at every waking opportunity instead of working together for what little votes they could get.

The result we are seeing this election is in direct context with many dysfunctional variables, nothing was rigged (that I have seen) and the small margin of human error within the AEC doesn't take away from the fact that we simply didn’t work together cohesively enough to have the impact we wanted.

However, there is still time to perform damage control. Scrutineers are needed NOW to watch the senate count while we still can! If we’re lucky we can secure 6 seats by the skin of our teeth.

Unfortunately I can't say I didn’t warn you, but we don’t have the luxury of turning back time so please do what you can now to correct these mistakes as best we can.

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