"Police Are On The Way". Cops Tuck Tail. After Trespass Claim. USAF Security Force. Westfield. Mass.

3 years ago

This was Monday March 22nd 2021 at approximately 18:40, outside of the U.S. Air National Guard Base in Westfield Mass. I was there with Press NH Now taking some pictures and filming the Airplanes they have on display. When we were quickly approached by an USAF Security Forces Police officer. He accused us of Trespassing on Federal Property and notified us they contacted Westfield PD.

After making their initial phone call we heard the call come through on the scanner using my police scanner app, which will be linked down below. We heard they told the police that we were jamming our cameras in their faces. 5 cruisers showed up on scene, swarming like sharks.

I appreciate everybody's support!!! If you all are watching my content with multiple people on one phone, computer and/or TV please use all devices in the house, while you are all watching on 1 set and tap on my video then mute it so I can get the actual amouny of views. I miss out on many views due to this. Thank you all for helping boost the algorithm with you comments!!! Donations are happily and humbly accepted!!! Much Love, Respect And Appreciation!!!

Press NH Now Channel:

Hanscom Air Force Base:

Newington NH Air National Guard:


CashApp: MassAccountability44

Police Scanner App: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.scannerradio

Mass Accountability Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/CiMv0HRpCL56/

Mass Accountability Facebook Page:

Mass Accountability Instagram:

Mass Accountability Twitter: https://twitter.com/MassAccountabi1?s=09

Mass Accountability Network Channel:

Tommy Visions Channel (My Photography and Videography Channel): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ6d6f3xohrBbcSqWnW405g

#MassAccountability #1stAmendment #1stAmendmentAudit #PoliceThePolice #PhotographyIsNotACrime #FilmThePolice #AlwysFilmThePolice #FTP #AFTP #PINAC #KnowledgeIsPower #KnowYourRights #Boston #JustDoingMyJob #ThinBlueLinePrivilege #CopSucker #BootLicker #ThinBlueLine #ThinBlueLineGang #Northshore #BayAreaTransparency #BAT #DisorderlyProductNews #LackLuster #SJVT

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