Coronavirus Act Extended // BBC don't care // Loss of Civil Liberties to continue onward to October

3 years ago

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Coronavirus Act Extended // BBC don't care // Loss of Civil Liberties to continue onward to October

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The Coronavirus Act extension has been voted in by an overwhelming majority of MPs voting for it.

There was some opposition but nowhere near enough. The BBC couldn’t really care less it seems and there is literally no coverage on their main news page today (26 March 2021). The vote went through yesterday afternoon.

There was a brief article yesterday but when you consider the importance this act has in terms of restricting civil liberties you’d the think the all knowing and all powerful BBC would want to keep it’s army of drone readers in the loop wouldn’t you? Even if it was just to put their own spin on things.

As well as this we look at the Top 5 News Stories according to the BBC


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Coronavirus Act Extended // BBC don't care // Loss of Civil Liberties to continue onward to October

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