The Fibro Fight Series - Fight Fibromyalgia Green & Clean begins May 27th

2 years ago

The Fibro Fight Series - Fight Fibromyalgia Green & Clean is an existing podcast moving to NOK Network
Fridays at 11am est with GreenIrene Cannatalk beginning May 27th 2022
"Do not simply take pharmaceuticals & hope that fibromyalgia will go away because it likely won’t. Learning about your condition is vital. A number of natural strategies & support therapies exist - BEGIN YOUR PATH TO RECOVERY - PHARMACEUTICAL FREE
If you are sick and tired of feeling sick and tired, if you want to control the quality of life you live … I want to share with you the tools, techniques, and strategies I’ve used, use, and learned - to HELP YOU - HELP YOU!" ~ GreenIrene
#Fibrofightseries #NOKnetwork #Fibrofridays

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