Godel, Escher, Bach an Eternal Braid D. Hofstader, Chapters 16-21 A Puke(TM) AudioBook

2 years ago

Version 0.

This text has been prepared with the intent of creating an audio book.
In preparing this text, almost all of the images and figures have been removed. When the inclusion of an image is essential to the text, as opposed to incidental, the image is described as figuratively as possible. The removal of the visual component also extends to capitalization and italicization of words. In this case the substitution of emphasis has be included. As the original also contains many logical and mathematical sentences, these have been expanded upon and explained as much as possible, to try and make the book more accessible to those who do have the educational background of Doctor Hofstadter, and also in an attempt to explain some of the more complex items. Quoting from the text: Do words and thoughts follow formal rules, or do they not? And: To suggest ways of reconciling the software of mind with the hardware of brain is a main goal of this book. It is a metaphorical fugue on minds and machines in the spirit of Lewis Carroll
It can be said that the value of an item is measured in what will be exchanged for it. In terms of a text, the value and complexity might be judged by what you is read in the background while taking breaks from it. In my own experience, I interrupted reading this work several times, while completing, amongst others, the King James Bible, Thomas Pynchon’s Gravities’ rainbow, A criminal history of mankind, the Lensman series, and several other less memorable works and also translating a text of geopolitics from Russian and a three volume German encyclopedia. To explain many of the mathematics, I have had to add additional sentences. Perhaps the god over djinn of Hofstadter is a jealous god, and I have profaned the sacred texts, and will be condemned to execute recursion forever; In which case I suggest the reader GO TO line One.

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