[WEEKLY ASTROLOGICAL WEATHER] Ending & New Beginnings May 23 - May 29, 2022 w/ Bronwyn Simons

2 years ago

Join Amanda Pua Walsh and Bronwyn Simons on another episode of The Weekly Weather.

You'll learn...
🔵 How to finalize the Eclipse' Integration process
🔵 What it means for planets to be at 29 degress of a sign
🔵 About the new 2 year long Mars & Jupiter Cycle

💥 More Episodes w/ Bronwyn
- EP 177. “Grounded to Airborn” and How Working with the Moon Can Help

- EP 67. Working with the Moon and its Phases for Manifesting Your Desires

☀️🌒🌄Almost every Astrologer agrees that if you want to know your chart well, there are three placements you want to learn and memorize: Your Sun, Moon and Rising Sign. If you want a free report that walks you through these powerful chart points visit astrologyhub.com/freereport

#WeeklyHoroscope #BronwynSimons #Astrology #Jupiter #Mars #AnarecticDegree #Eclipse #Taurus #Gemini #Scorpio

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