2 years ago

Our lives are not accidental. From the honey bee to the changing of seasons, it all has a meaning, it all has a purpose. So to is there a meaning and a purpose for men. It isn’t complicated, though some would have you believe otherwise. These individuals want you confused and ignorant because it suits their goals, they have no love or respect for you. The hand that they extend under the guise of help is laced with poison. If you know who you are and you know your purpose, you will not be so easily confused, you cannot be so easily controlled. My brothers, believe me when I tell you that there is a reason we are made bigger, faster, and stronger. There is a reason that we are more aggressive. As men we must be dangerous. We must exist as a razor sharp long sword housed in a scabbard woven together by our self control. We are not toxic, that’s just ridiculous. There are good men and there are bad men - who do you think protects you from the bad men? To all of my fathers, grandfathers, sons, nephews, cousins, and brothers; we need you.

ON PODCAST: https://anchor.fm/lightbulbinitiative/episodes/WE-NEED-MEN-e1iufg1

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