Is A Cholesterol Level of 580 Bad? A Neuroscientist Physician Explains

2 years ago

I've heard of "high cholesterol" numbers, believe me. People often say, "My cholesterol is 280", or "I take a statin, because my cholesterol is 320." But this one takes the cake. This gentleman was referred to me by one of the local cardiologists with a cholesterol of around 580, and I nearly choked on my spit. But here's the thing about cholesterol. It's not the villain. As I've stated before in my videos, the real villain is inflammation. This is precisely why the cardiologist and I are not worried about this guy's cholesterol level. We are keeping tabs on his inflammatory markers, such as C-reactive protein, calcium scores, and cardiac coronary scores. As long as those remain low, then he should be fine.

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