Targeted Individual Frank Tufano - When will the GANGSTALKING and GASLIGHTING Stop?

3 years ago

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Unfortunately, my situation is similar to this man's situation.
Check out his Channel, click the link below:

I was into healthy eating, juicing, and all that healthy stuff.
Gang Stalkers stole all my recipes, enough recipes to open a coffee shop/ small restaurant.
When I was looking for a place to start my healthy food small business, they followed me...
A few weeks later they had their business up and running in the same place I was planning to, selling the same menu I was planning to ...

The gang stalkers copied and stole all my idea, all my business plans, and sabotaged me to make sure that I won't be able to do what I had plans to do.

I will add a link to a short video made by another targeted individual who is going through a similar situation, he's an artist.

Please watch the short video below, it's only a 0:36 sec video.

Key words
Cyber Bullying
Voice Of God
Directed Energy Weapon
Human experimentation
Weapon testing
Gang Stalking
Remote Neural Monitoring
Street Theatre
Slander Character
Flying monkeys
Behavior modification
Dream manipulation

#GangStalking,#ElectronicHarassment,#CyberTorture,#Cyber_torture,#MindControl,#V2K #Voicetoskull,#Synthetictelepathy,#TargetedIndividuals,#TargetedIndividual,

Original YouTube Link:

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