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Dr Rashid A Buttar | Interview with Robert Scott Bell

2 years ago

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Dr Buttar explains the basis of the information released regarding the payload of pathogens housed in the Covid Vaccine, potentials on how these "sleeper cells" will be activated, and what the end result will be. More importantly, it will outline what the agenda actually is, and how one can protect themselves. Vaccine induced injury is the actual issue that everyone should be worried about.


Every week, Dr Buttar does a livestream on Monday nights, beginning at 8:30 pm New York time. You can watch the livestream on Twitter and Telegram and join on Clubhouse to ask questions.

And every week, Dr Buttar also does a collective "materialization meditation" on Tuesday nights, beginning at 9:00 pm New York time. These only last 15 minutes but the power is incredible. You can join the "materialization meditation" by registering at www.AskDrButtar.com/Meditate.

Follow Dr Buttar here:

- On Telegram: https://t.me/AdvancedMedicine
- On Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrButtar
- On Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/DrButtar
- On BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/DrButtar/
- On Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drbuttar/
- On Clubhouse (and to ask live questions): https://bit.ly/DrBClubhouse



- https://www.AskDrButtar.com/Ask to get more information on Cancer, Autism and other chronic disorders.

- https://www.CentersForAdvancedMedicine.com to get more information on the clinic and services available.

- https://www.AdvancedMedicine.com to access the AHEAD-Map®, the most powerful health assessment tool ever developed (but I'm biased since I developed it). Get access for FREE, for LIFE! Use invitation code 11

- https://www.AdvancedMedicineConference.com to get your tickets, to see upcoming events, or to access retreat schedules. For the 4th Annual Conference, use "SAVINGS" for on checkout to save 10%.


The current level of propaganda is beyond anything ever witnessed in recorded history, in a supposedly "free" country anywhere on this planet. Don't believe it? Then watch this video. and ask yourself, when do you ever remember so much marketing to compel people to do something to supposedly prevent an illness, especially one with a 99.96% rate of survival?

Cancer, heart disease, and neurodegenerative diseases account for 92% of causes of ALL death in the industrialized world. So why are we NOT witnessing marketing efforts to prevent cancer and heart disease?

This is exactly why you need to come to the 4th Annual Advanced Medicine Conference. Because what's about to happen is going to be catastrophic for those who have already taken the jab. But, there may be a possible way to eliminate (or at least reduce) the danger of what has already been put into your bodies via the jab.

Watch this video which shows the level of the propaganda and then listen to the new warning. You need to know this. Your life could depend on it, and most probably will depend on this if you've already taken the jab. And if you find this information to be vital, please tell everyone you know and send them this video. Dr Buttar's voice was already suppressed through YouTube and Facebook because of his warnings 2 years ago. He's only coming back now because this information is critical for people to understand and be warned about.

Is there a solution? Yes, based on anecdotal evidence, empirical evidence and observation, as well as supported by the literature, there may be a possible solution to help millions and millions who already have been condemned to die early, to turn the tables and save themselves. Best of all, it's not going to cost anyone any money!

How this was discovered and everything explaining the science will be disclosed at the 4th Annual Advanced Medicine Conference. See what the user experience was from last years 3rd Annual Advanced Medicine Conference, on this same Rumble channel. Each year, the Advanced Medicine Conference is held over Memorial Day Weekend. The Advanced Medicine Conference is where facts, truth and honesty coincide with the the latest and greatest in medicine, science and research.

This years 4th Annual Advanced Medicine Conference is going to be held in San Antonio, Texas, at the Henry B Gonzales Convention Center in downtown San Antonio on May 28-30 (Saturday-Monday).

Visit www.AdvancedMedicineConference.com to get your tickets today!


  • 0/2000
  • Why can't you just say what the treatment is? I have to work, can't spend money on a conference I don't have, but I need to know what to advise my adult children who took the damn vax and even their kids, my grandkids... stop yakking, vibrating, transforming, and tell us the solution!

  • Luke 10:19 19 I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.

  • Thanks for the video. The information you have once again disseminated in this interview, is interesting, numerically. You said, the pulse would be at 18mHz, which is three by six. You said the pulses would be three times 1 minute each, which is three 60 second bursts, or three sixes. Or, 666. You did not notice this? Where did this information about the pulse, the hydrogel etc come from?

  • Dr. Buttar, I was a compounding pharmacist for 18 years (PCCA) and listened to this and then looked up the resonant frequency of Graphene, in general and it is 19 or 20 megahertz where it goes vertical,into harmonics. So the fact that you say it is about 18 x1000 times higher in energy as gigahertz than 20 megahertz, does make sense as it probably has the energy to either disassemble the nanoliposomes or pathogen adsorbed/contained by graphene carriers, rather quicky. The numbers align.

  • Hi Dr. Buttar. You have an account on Gab with 797 Followers but you do not have any gabs or videos. You were a mamber since Feb 2019. Please click on the link. https://gab.com/DrButtar/comments

  • Its got to be urine therapy. Its the only thing that would make sense. Discovered in 1965 studies (actually well before), don't have to get it at a store, can use it immediately, controversy about it... I'm sure after the conference everyone will know.

  • Oh and if you are around the jabbed and the Chinese have treated with this for thousands of years. Pine needle tea https://ambassadorlove.wordpress.com/2021/05/06/pine-tea-possible-antidote-for-spike-protein-transmission/

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