Senator Rennick talks Jobkeeper - Senate Speech

3 years ago

Senator RENNICK (Queensland) (17 March 2021, 17:17):
Well, well, well! The fox is in the henhouse. Here we go. We've got Labor suddenly worried about small business. Get real! This is the fox that wants to destroy small business. This is the party that wants higher taxes. This is the party that wants higher energy prices. Just before, I put forward a motion to support nuclear energy, which would give us clean, green, baseload energy. No. What do they do? They want to vote against it, against another way to lower energy costs. If the Labor Party were really serious about small business, they'd vote with us on these IR reforms, which would help improve flexibility and give employees and employers the opportunity to get back to work—but, no, not the Labor Party.

Let's look at the Labor state premiers. What have they done? They have destroyed confidence and they have replaced it with fear. They have used COVID as a method of command and control. That is Labor's modus operandi all the time—to instil fear into everyone. I happen to know someone from the music industry. I've been talking to them very closely. They need open borders, they need consistent restrictions and they need some of those restrictions lifted. When you've got restrictions that vary between states, people aren't going to travel, because they don't know if they're going to get back home. The Labor Party keep going on about how businesses are going to hit the wall, how we don't really care. It's an insult. They're trying to attack the coalition, but I'll tell you who they're really attacking. They're attacking the taxpayer. In the last 12 months, the taxpayer has forked out a total of $250 billion to support small business and their employees. At some point—this is what Labor don't seem to understand—we have to start moving forward. JobKeeper and JobSeeker were all about protecting people while we locked down to get on top of COVID. That was in order to stay locked down. Now that we're on top of COVID we have to open up and we have to increase activity.

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