Why We Need Conflict Resolution Skills & Energy Now

3 years ago

Conflict is a part of life.

We need it to expand, grow, challenge ideas, many of which become stagnant, to shift out of low vibrational ways of life. Change is a part of life we don't always embrace so well.

When conflict arises do you then avoid, compete, compromise or do you collaborate?

Do you become passive aggressive and just 'stew' with your feelings and yet announce that you have it all under control, you are going to take care of "it" whatever "it" is?

The fact is that we are much more effective in numbers of people who are willing and able to agree to disagree. It's more than "I'm sorry" it's making the time and energy to understand, and to keep connections viable, to learn through the experience of conflict.

I used to work in the legal arena for nearly 18 years as a Sr. Paralegal Family Law specialist and much of that position involved conflict which I had not been comfortable with. As a therapeutic foster parent, conflict is a part of that too, as a Mother, as a friend, as a family member, in relationships for me with men, with clients, conflict comes up, over and over and now today there is much conflict, passports, medical issues and how are being told what to do, wear, mask, do this or do that.

Can we all just do what we want and have it our way?

No time in history did the young folks tell the wise elders what to do; it's unwise, and now that systems are firmly in place it's much like The Ancestors likely looked at dogs being drug around by a leash or the modern humans of today and their priorities, their thinking, their medicating with poly-pharmacy. It's unwise to cater to the consumer and not the true guidance of the people.

Learning to be fully present when conflict does arrive, thinking clearly, coming back in a reasonable amount of time and making it a priority to resolve conflict is different than losing what you have or what you could gain in the future by learning to open, expand, and come into council. We had Councils of Elders who were well adept at being able to agree to disagree and solve problems one at a time; we need that now.

Instead, we have those who decide which align with where their business interests run.

I refuse to be a robot; an automaton, and conform to the dominant paradigm.

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