CSIRO is questioned about energy data and battery production concerns

3 years ago

During additional Senate Estimates last week, Senator Gerard Rennick questioned the CSIRO on their data because if their modelling is wrong, we must revisit how we are funding this department. Taxpayers' funds should not be wasted and he used this session of Estimates to try to get to the bottom of things. Senator Rennick was interrupted by the Economics Committee Chair who wanted to just talk about the financials. Well, if we can't question the CSIRO, then how do we know we aren't wasting money on renewables?
In a remarkable admission, the CSIRO also admitted that they had concerns about batteries as the energy required to manufacture and recycle them, far outweighed the benefits of using them. The CSIRO are supportive of hydro power and so is Senator Rennick - that's one of the reasons that he's advocating for the building of more dams in Queensland.

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