@Meet Kevin Governor Plan REACTION

3 years ago

I’m impressed by Kevin Paffrath’s energy, work ethic, and intelligence. I’d expect a gubernatorial candidate to at least have some elected office experience before running for governor of the largest state in the union, but at this point, anyone would be better than Gavin Newsom.

In fact, one of Kevin’s largest assets is his limited record because he can brand himself as a forward-thinking, socially liberal, fed up with the establishment, young Democrat to appeal to California’s massive low-information Democratic base while substantively running on an extremely conservative platform.

Do you think that’s an unfair characterization of California Democrats? California has the lowest literacy rate in the country and nearly half of California students can’t read at grade level, which is below our already low national average. Sad! Low-information voters tend to be Democrat. The best predictor of knowledge is not diplomas, but wealth.

We also saw this gap in 2016. Reps are increasingly the party of the American Middle Class.

Or do you think it’s incorrect to characterize Kevin’s platform as “conservative”? 

Well, let’s take a look at his top three policy proposals in the order in which he placed them on his website…

1. No State Income Tax on the first $250,000 of Income.

As you can see Kevin Paffrath’s #1 policy priority is to eliminate state income taxes for people making between $100,000 - $250,000. And then to implement a flat tax for those making over $250,000.

--- Meet Kevin Governor Plan REACTION ---

If any Republican ran on such a platform in the 2016 presidential primary they would’ve been in my opinion the most conservative candidate on the stage since none of them were suggesting eliminating income taxes for those making over $100K.

Kevin justifies his position by saying that if California doesn’t cut taxes for the rich then they will continue to leave the state. True, but the same logic applies to when federal taxes are too high and the rich move their money and businesses overseas, which is a fact many of the left actively ignore or suppress when dreaming up their utopian visions built on the back of taking over 50%, 70%, or even 90% of Americans income.

Kevin inadvertently hit on one of the key reasons why communism only works in theory because unless you endorse a government that will severely restrict the free movement of money, people, and goods then money will always flow from more command economies to more capitalist ones.

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2. The Homeless Emergency.
• Housing for All Homeless within 60 Days via Emergency Powers.
• Medical & Substance, Mental Health, and Educational Support Immediately Available.
• 3 meals per day and centralized support for all homeless immediately.
• No one lives on the streets in our state anymore within 60 days.
• The National Guard will be tasked with compassionately serving our homeless community until our Future Facilities are built.

Kevin is very effective at branding his policies, but let’s consider what he’s really saying here…

The National Guard will “compassionately” force the homeless into camps.

He glosses over this fact, but the reality is that many if not most homeless people will not just choose to relocate themselves into camps no matter how many meals or how much mental health treatment they’d be given there. The only way to ensure “no one lives on the streets in our state anymore within 60 days” is to criminalize homelessness by fining/jailing people who are squatting, soliciting, and then forcibly relocating them off the streets by either putting them in camps or buying them a one-way bus ticket back from which they came.

Kevin’s position here is therefore extremely conservative because he lives in a state where Democrats are already indoctrinated against law enforcement and deporting/detaining illegal immigrants let alone using law enforcement to detain American citizens.

3. Future Schools.
• At 14, students have a choice to attend a Future School.

Another fantastic conservative proposal. Conservatives support school choice whether it be in the form of vouchers, trade schools, charter schools, or “future” schools. Empowering students is the key to saving America!

#MeetKevin #MeetConservative

--- Meet Kevin Governor Plan REACTION ---

Full Article @ www.AnthonyGalli.com

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