Katie Porter DESTROYS Socialism

3 years ago

Alec Baldwin asked Congresswoman Katie Porter [D] about campaign finance reform…

Katie Porter: No corporate PAC money is a huge part of [campaign finance reform]… reversing Citizens United…. Until we clean up some of the corruption it’s going to be really hard to…

Alec Baldwin: {interjects to “mansplain”} It’s the source of all the problems in this country.

Katie Porter: It’s the source of all of the problems.

Before I dive into the substance of my answer let’s define socialism because otherwise, people will comment “THAT’S NOT SOCIALISM!” Socialism is “voluntary co-ops,” or “government monopolies,” or “any social spending that I like,” or that “warm fuzzy feeling I feel inside when Grandma bakes me cookies.” I think it’s helpful to think of socialism and capitalism existing on an economic spectrum where virtually every country is some form of a Mixed-Economy. I’d therefore define an American socialist as someone who wants our federal government to take over all (or most) of healthcare, housing, education, food, employment, and/or income by advocating for such policies as the Green New Deal, Medicare-for-All, Jobs for All, $15 Federal Minimum Wage, and “Free” College. But one of the interesting things about socialists is they’re usually the first to complain the federal government is corrupt & incompetent.For example, if we just look at the heads of all the various Federal Departments from Education to Banking to Health & Human Services they are usually run by former lobbyists, CEOs, and Party Insiders. It’s therefore hard to reason that we should give them even more power when they clearly aren’t going to operate with the average American’s best interest front of mind. Medicare-for-All is a federal monopoly over American healthcare. If the Secretary of Health and Human Services was a doctor and spent decades as a Public Health Administrator then that’s one thing, but instead, the previous Secretary was a former pharmaceutical lobbyist, and the current one is a Democrat politician with virtually no healthcare experience.
Do you really think it's wise to have these guys dictating prices, procedures, medical professional qualifications, hospital facilities, and overall treatment for the most complicated healthcare system in human history? American medical innovation is responsible for saving BILLIONS of lives! Imagine what innovation would be rendered IMPOSSIBLE due to the tight grip of a former pharmaceutical lobbyist or a Democrat politician whose afraid to look at the science as it pertains to a whole host of controversial issues or where creative destruction may hurt the bottom line of a big political donor. So I ask my socialist friends — if you know there’s so much corruption & incompetence in D.C. then why would you want to give D.C. even more power?! To which they reason like Alec Baldwin and Katie Porter… “Big money in politics is the source of all our problems! If we just got money out of politics then there wouldn’t be as much corruption and therefore all our big beautiful top-down social policies would work more for the average American!” Nonsense! If you’ve read my answers then you’ve probably heard me make this argument before, but in politics, especially if you’re conservative, you often have to repeat yourself OVER AND OVER again so the people in the way back can hear you loud and clear since Big Tech, Big Media, Big Business, Big Education, and Big Government are doing their darnedest to keep the populace ignorant about basic civics. So let me be LOUD AND CLEAR: Money has never been nor ever will be out of politics! Period. Socialist philosophy is built upon an impossibility. In a perfect Katie Porter Universe where she could come to The People’s House dressed as a naughty batgirl to impeach Trump every day and where Super-PACs and big-dollar donations were banned then what do you think will happen? This is where you have to use your critical thinking skills. Do you REALLY think the rich would just shrug and say, “Gosh darn it! We can’t influence politicians anymore so we might as well pack up our bags and go home!” Come on, man! It sounds nice at the most superficial level to get big money out of politics, but big business will NEVER stop trying to influence big government. Period. There is way too much money at stake. It used to be you could donate an UNLIMITED amount of money to political candidates, but then that was limited because of “well-intentioned” campaign finance laws, therefore more political spending just went to Parties/PACs, which means politicians couldn’t be as independent. If we added more campaign finance restrictions on candidates/Parties/PACs then that money would just go to publications, influencers, channels, studios, networks, apps, or whatever else you can think of that due to our 1st Amendment the federal government wouldn’t and you agree shouldn’t be able to limit. Let me let you in on a little secret: everything is political!

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