Jesus Revolution Announcement

2 years ago

June 2-5. 2022
At Celebration Hall in Middletown, KY
A few miles from the Pearce’s home

Come to the Jesus Revolution 2021
June 2-5
Check “Events” for the conference info
In times like these, what do you see? Can you see that every trial, every temptation, and every painful situation has a seed of hope hidden in its depths with the potential of great glory? It is like a precious treasure waiting to escape from its prison held only by your own unbelief keeping it from having its final glorious reveal. Release it to the Lord and discover the redemptive power of its hidden glory!

The Winds of the Spirit are blowing mightily during this time of worldly conflict. Disturbances that are seen and felt by Believers can be seen as God’s calling-card to the revelation of God’s mysterious ways. How does He bring great light out of great darkness, and peace out of sorrow and conflict? Psalms 103:7 says that the “Children of Israel knew God’s acts, but Moses knew God’s ways.” The “Jesus Revolution Conference” will help you discover and experience God’s acts, but more importantly, like Moses, you will learn “GOD’S WAYS.”

Some of the subjects that will be discussed at the conference are: Our great union with Christ; Why is identity with Christ so important?; How the Holy Spirit of God dwells in us and is our new life and anointing in Christ; How this oneness with Christ works out in our freedom from self-consciousness, self-effort, and self-condemnation; How this marvelous life of Christ is not just about our own personal identity, it is a life sold-out and spent as Spiritual intercessors for others. Are there answers? Is there a word from the Lord for you? We say, yes, COME AND SEE.

RSVP Sylvia at:

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