Rebecca L Craven | Do What Mattereth Most | April 2022 General Conference

2 years ago

Do What Mattereth Most
By Rebecca L. Craven

Second Counselor in the Young Women General Presidency

As we center our lives on Jesus Christ, we will be blessed with spiritual strength, contentment, and joy.

Not long ago, a dear friend had an impression to visit a woman in her ward. She brushed off the prompting because she hardly knew her—it just didn’t make sense. But since the thought kept coming to her, she decided to act on the prompting. Because she was already feeling uncomfortable about the impending visit, she determined that taking something to the sister would help ease her anxiety. Certainly she couldn’t go empty-handed! So she bought a container of ice cream, and off she went to begin what she worried might be an awkward visit.

She knocked on the woman’s door, and shortly the sister answered. My friend handed her the ice cream in a brown paper bag, and the conversation began. It didn’t take long for my friend to realize why the visit was needed. As they sat together on the front porch, the woman unveiled a host of challenges she was facing. After an hour of talking in the warm summer weather, my friend noticed the ice cream melting through the brown paper bag.

She exclaimed, “I am so sorry that your ice cream melted!”

The woman sweetly responded, “It’s OK! I’m lactose intolerant!”

General Conference Saturday Womens Session April 2022

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