Ding Dong SCOMO is gone - The SLIME of our Life

2 years ago

If you dont know the Election was rigged... VOTES were going BACKWARDS for the small minor freedom parties.
Vote Counters were changing votes because we still vote in PENCIL for some reason.
Votes going missing.
2 weeks of per-polling in which many changed their mind on how they wanted to vote - TOO LATE..
If you were TRICKED AGAIN by the bullllshiiiitt Two party preferred nonsense.. YOU are the problem with this country.
YOU have doomed us all.... by believing there was not more than TWO people to run this country....
sells outs and NOT minor parties = United - 1 Nations - Nationals - Greens - Lib Democrats

MORE Aussies than ever voted Liberal and Labour LAST numbering every box.... wanna explain to me how those two went on like nothing happened..

WE WERE DUPED.... election was sloppy and so obviously rigged...
Will Australia PROTEST now and demand a re-election ???
the Australian Electoral Role should be taken down and charged with FRAUD AND !!! TREASON !!!

Not only did the AEC rig the election beforehand they highly influenced the Aussie Voting Public telling them not to vote for the independents !!!!!!

If you cant see we the Aussie SHEEPLE have been sold up the river.. everything sold off..
farming land
sea and private air ports.. ( port of darwin sold )
rail line
power grid
mines !!!!!!!!!
and YOU !!!!! you are now an owned liability NOT an asset to this one world government push...

If you dont stand up now there will be nothing left to bother fighting for... .

Future PM of Down-Under Speaking


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