Testimony of Young Rapist, murderers, & Criminals Converted

2 years ago

My 2nd son Daniel and I went to minister in a little country called Suriname (this little nation’s population is basically of African slavery descent). While we were there, we were invited to a men’s high-security prison. They wanted us to speak to young men who had been incarcerated for the serious crimes of murder, rape, and terrible deeds. We agreed to do this. There was a godly young mother who had a burden for these young boys. They were prisoners from 12 years old up to 18. She told us that she had seen very few results even though she had been pouring her life and much prayer into this endeavor. On this particular day, her prayers finally paid off.

My son Daniel was to be the one to minister to them because he was in his 20s. This precious lady felt that if they heard a young man speak, it might touch them. As my son spoke, he was sharing about his life, but it did not seem like it was having much of if any effect upon them whatsoever. He finally turned the service over to me.

I began to share my life experience, how God had delivered me from drugs, alcohol, violence, and running with a gang outside of Chicago. As I was speaking, I happen to look over at my son Daniel, and I saw and perceived that the Spirit of God was moving upon him in a mighty way. The hair on the back of my neck stood up, the Spirit of the Lord was upon him so powerfully. Intermediately I turned this meeting back over to him.
A tremendous prophetic word began to come forth of his mouth. I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt it was not my son speaking, but the Spirit of the living God.

He began to talk about a young man named Joseph, and how Joseph had ended up in prison wrongfully. While he was in prison, he maintained a spirit of integrity and love for God. Even in prison he never became bitter, or angry at God or others. He just kept pressing in and taking a hold of the Lord no matter what his condition or situation was. Because of Joseph’s godly disposition and seeking that the Lord had eventually put Joseph second in charge over all of the land of Egypt (which was the most powerful nation in the world at the time) overnight. Daniel told them that no matter why they were there, or their present condition if they would truly cry out to God with all of their hearts, turning their lives over to Jesus Christ, they could become a Joseph.

As my son preached underneath this heavy anointing, the Spirit of God fell upon these young men. I sat there in utter amazement as I watched an amazing transformation before all of our eyes as each and every one of them surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ on the spot! When my son was done, the Spirit of the Lord instructed me to have all of them shout in English: I am a Joseph! (English is their primary language) They shouted this phrase over and over. I will never forget this amazing meeting where the Spirit of God was so tangible that you could cut it with a knife. Now they could not pronounce Joseph the way we do in the USA, so they ended up shouting: I Am a YOSEPH! Over and over they shouted: I Am a YOSEPH! The whole prison shook as these approximately 40 young men declared with all of their hearts and vocal abilities by the Spirit of the Lord: I Am a YOSEPH! I Am a YOSEPH! I Am a YOSEPH!

I will never forget that day as long as I live!

Both my son and I began to weep for these young men as the Spirit of God overwhelmed them. Then my son Daniel and I took every one of those young men one at a time into our arms, shedding tears and praying for them that they would become a Joseph even as they had boldly proclaimed. We all stood there in amazement and tears as GOD had stepped down from heaven to be with us at that moment! Here we were in a high-security prison surrounded by the very Presence of God, with Heaven come to earth!

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