Proof CNN’s Chris Wallace Never Left Fox News

2 years ago

Chris Wallace left Fox News because it was just getting too crazy over there for him. CNN scooped him up immediately. But a tiger can't change their stripes and Chris Wallace, no matter how reasonable he wants to seem, still has that Fox News in his soul, as he goes after John Fetterman for winning his senate primary in Pennsylvania.

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Here is of all people Chris Wallace on CNN now recapping the night for progressives.
I will say I have to disagree slightly with the previous panel because of his authenticity and down-to-earthiness if there's such a phrase played very well in the democratic primary. You get to a general election particularly if you end up with a moderate like dave McCormick. There are a lot of things that the republicans are going to have to work on going after John Fetterman. This is a guy who is against limits on abortion. He's for universal background checks. He wants to end the filibuster. He wants to legalize pot.
So unpopular to legalize pot. gosh, that is what a liability I would love the Republican candidate to run on I will never legalize pot in this state. It is just Chris Wallace. Maybe I might need to spend some time with the kids a little bit. Like and by kids, I mean anyone under the age of like I don't know.
Well, he says he says Fetterman's down to earth probably because he just as he would understand that right he gets what the kids are.
What do they say about earth authenticity? What do these words mean? I have no idea. I'm Chris Wallace. I've been in the new studio for 40 years.
Yeah really exactly. And of all places to fox. where it was just like the fact that I wasn't bat crap crazy was enough for me to establish an entire career. But if you know, I think Fetterman's a very strong candidate. and we'll talk more about that as the weeks go on.

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