We don't need no stinking constitution. Rules for thee, not for me. Runar offers a People's song.

2 years ago

This is for all the Elite Globalist Commies.

We the People in order to form a more perfect union, declare Liberty for ourselves and our Posterity: Democrat, Republican, All skin colors and ethnicity are coming to take back the America that We all Built Together.

Breaking the Law, our Constitutional Agreed upon Law Will be enforced.

Runar is an American Patriot in heart on other soil.
Many other Nations have dedicated Americans in spirit.

They Value Our shared America.

Those soil born, but ingrates, bye bye!
A time is coming.
Whew, can you smell it cooking?

Let's sort it out...
Shall we?

Starting at the top and bottom at the same time.


All Glory and Faith in God our One Creator Almighty.

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