Jesus and Money Wrapup

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1 year ago

Jesus and Money in the Gospels Summary

As we dive into this summary of your words and actions about money in the Gospels today, just come. Come be with us. Guide our hearts and minds to get out of this something that is worthy and that will stand the test of time in our lives. I repent for times when I have made money too important, when I have allowed its presence or absence to cause me undue stress. I place my times and provision in your hands. You are my provider. You are God. Money is not, and I am not. In Jesus’ name,

Here are some takeaways I see in the gospels:

Jesus is perfect Torah. His teachings about and actions towards money are either pure Torah or a logical outgrowth of Torah. Not Mishnah or Talmud (that is the origin of the errors that he spent most of his ministry fighting), but Torah.

He shows us that our souls are far more important than money. He teaches us that money is a tool to bless others, not to self-aggrandize.

He shows us that Money is an entity that should be subservient to us, not vice-versa, after all, He came to set us free in every way. He teaches us that Little, given with the right intent is more valuable to God than Much, given for dubious reasons.

He shows us that God truly cares for and values us, so why should we worry about the mundanities of life? He provides for sparrows and flowers that are not even a dime a dozen… possibly not even a penny a dozen, yet He keeps track of and provides for these lesser organisms. Why would our Father not care and provide for us all the more, particularly if our priorities are right?

He teaches us what money is for… caring for others, not just enriching ourselves. This korban nonsense, along with the stories of the Rich Man and Lazarus, Zacchaeus, and the Rich Man who built an extra barn to hoard even more grain, show us at least that much.

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