On a Wallace Whim

2 years ago

Occasionally, schedules and availabilities align, and friendships coalesce into an afternoon of immaculate adventure. On this remarkable May day in north Idaho, we gathered near Wallace, Idaho to eat and laugh and ride our bikes across a point in Spacetime that will remain poignant in our memories.

Joining us this day, were Steve, John, Jeem, Lou, Gau, Pat, Jim, Newt, Eloy, Ning, Sunisa, and Daniel.


Magic Days

Magic days! Those times when we lived in wonder,
And dreamed while others slumbered numb in their cocoons!
Let us loose the bonds we have unwittingly bound!
In rapturous splendor let us burst asunder!
Where are those lively tunes!
Where are those strains to be found,
Those days when music played from every corner of our being;
Refrains of joyful morning like Lilly blossoms strewn upon our shoulders!
Give me back that sleight of hand,
The power that made reality from seeing,
That alchemy that could change sand to boulders
And distant planets to sand!
O where is that potent drug of youth,
When we made cake from the crust of crumbs,
And shooed our troubles away like gnats from honey,
When fantasy sufficed as truth,
When we held the world under our thumbs,
And in our need turned laughter into money!

O red rose lips that I kissed boldly in the April rain,
Whose fragrant petals made heaven of my bed!
I wish to kneel before that bold bloom again,
And let the scent linger forever upon my forehead!

~ Daniel F Mitchell


This video footage comes from Wallace, Idaho. – AOWS Editor

Contact AOWS at: danielfmitchell@hotmail.com

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Music in this video:

Onycs - With You [ SAD CHILLOUT BEAT ] LOFI, CHILLSTEP [No Copyright Sound] [FREE USE MUSIC]
License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...
Download: https://www.toneden.io/onycs/post/wit...

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