Proclamation 2022.05.22 - To anyone who will bother to listen!

2 years ago

The Holy Spirit came to bring The Truth and The Judgment, as was foretold for thousands of years by the various Called Ones and Prophets, from whose teachings many of the religions today emerged.

Whether He is called The Son of Man by the Christians, The Mahdi of the Muslims, The Saoshyant of the Zoroastrians or Kalki by the Hindus or Maitreya... He is The HOLY Spirit, The Spirit of GOD, The Almighty.

As Jesus The Son of GOD explained, the sins against The Holy Spirit cannot be forgiven.

But what happened when The Holy Spirit came? We rejected His Word, we despised Him and at best treated Him with indifference. Thus we have transgressed against Him for the last time...! There is no further Grace for this humanity.

Such is the essence of this video.... for anyone who will bother to listen.

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