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Grand Jury Day 7 | English - May 19th 2022


  • 0/2000
  • You folks are true heroes.

  • What can the public do to help. Who do we call. Can we do anything.

  • I have been tuned in to Reiner from the start. All involved in this Grand Jury are brilliant dedicated people standing up for humanity. All the criminals MUST be held accountable. Its mind blowing to realize how organized this evil attack has been.

  • Why no comments???

  • Just an ole birdie here. The population is poisoned by GEO Engineering, Pharma, FDA, etc. Food has GMO's and stoe products with Bioengineered. All Crimes against Humanity. I Salute you all. Peace an Blessings to All. Sincerely. TJhappy

  • Not enough people are hearing about this!

  • how old is this?

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  • Excellent presentation. So thankful for you!

    1 like
  • Grand Corruption requires Grand Courts. Righteous Judgment is Necessary. Penalties must be Handed out to These perpetrators. Good men out weigh Evil.... and Family must Resist the devil and, protect Children and Elderly

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  • What is different about the individual that is not affected by the manipulation/mass psychosis?

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  • University of Washington Journalism Ethics & Standards: https://guides.lib.uw.edu/research/commstudies/ethics

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  • Incredible testimonies! May YAH bless each and every one

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  • RE "mass formation psychosis" and Desmet .... The official framing of this "phenomenon" is misleading and wrong. The false hope-addicted psychologists and their acolytes want you to believe this is "just some temporary occasional" madness by the masses that has been going on since only about the 20th century when it is but a spike of a CHRONIC madness going on for aeons with "civilized" people --- https://www.rolf-hefti.com/covid-19-coronavirus.html One of these mainstream psychologists who have been spreading this whitewashed reality, Dr. Desmet, also fails to see that the Covid Psyop is a TOTALLY deliberate ploy because he doesn't think it's ALL intentionally sinister. This makes him witting or unwitting controlled opposition. Worst of all, perhaps, the mass formation/mass psychosis notion frames the problem as the public being a mere unaccountable non-culpable victim in this phenomenon. Nothing could be further from the truth (see referenced source above)...

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  • It’s no wonder Bill and Melinda divorced. Gotta try to protect those assets. Greedy, power hungry, evil elitists.

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