2 years ago

Song by Raulph Stanley, O death.
This was planned for many many years. The evil layout of DC, the take over of 1871. With its new declaration selling us through our birth certificates. The bloodlines. All planned.
But they never thought she would lose. For there next phase was genecide on a massive scale. For all that did not completely comply.
Q and Trump also planned to save us. Though part of that plan is for US to save ourselves. Somehow without violence. But by sharing truth no matter the cost. That alone has been very very dangerous and costly. A biblical war that many still are blind to. And do to there blindness. We have lost family and friends. Jobs and security. I am one of these people. I know.
But this is for those who are blind. There children’s children. One day,,, may they comprehend what has happened right under there nose. And all throughout there lives.

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