This Is Why It Is Always Fun To Attend Team Events - Prizes!

3 years ago

3/16/21 - So I just wanted to share with you why it is always a great idea to attend online (and in person when things fully open back up again) events with all of your teams - your personal team as well as your support team and cross-line team. It not only is fun and you learn so much with both basic product education, but also hearing about the personal experiences others have had with these products that have changed how they think, live life, and help educate others that they care about. Plus you get the opportunity to join in on any games or prizes they are offering just for attending and participating! Now who don't love winning free items? Not me, and I can't think of anyone else who would pass that opportunity up if it came their way. So here is what I ended up winning from the two events I attended and participated in online this month and in January - not to mention the free 15ml of peppermint (one of my personal favorite oils of all time!) I just won from a cross-line team member's personal wall post!! So let's have a look.

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