With Elon Musk Purchase on Hold and the Ministry of Truth DOA Twitter is Doubling Down on Censorship

2 years ago

With Elon Musk’s purchase on hold for the time being and Biden’s Ministry of Truth dead on arrival, Twitter’s management has decided to double down on censoring its users. Now, whatever the current narrative of the Democrats, media, or Left is, if you dare to go against it and counter it, it can and will get you censored, even banned from the platform. There is no longer a set list of things you cannot talk about unless you are pushing the same things they are. They have intentionally left this new policy open ended to ensure they can censor anything deemed to be wrong think by the Democrats and Left. They are making it clear they want everyone walking on eggshells hoping that Twitter doesn’t come after them.

In this video we take a look at this new turn of events that has Nina Jankowicz holding Twitter’s beer for them.

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