Ukraine War - Rocket artillery is a terrible thing

2 years ago

Rocket artillery is a terrible thing. And in the strike-reconnaissance complex it is also very effective.

When a division of the LPR army works in tandem with a drone, the effectiveness increases by an order of magnitude and the destruction of civilian objects is excluded.

But, in the Donbass, the main thing is to quickly change position. The enemy reacts quickly and must be admitted quite accurately.

By the way, according to our data, the gunners of the regime formations complain about the American 155-mm M777 howitzers. They say they arrived without a digital body kit, which turns not the most successful guns into tolerable artillery. But in execution for the poor, these howitzers are worse than Soviet 152-mm guns. Resource low, capricious hurt. The Americans supplied modern weapons to Afghanistan, Ukraine in Washington is loved and respected less than Afghanistan. That's the way it is, lads.

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