Guilty or Not - How Can I Tell? – Help With Your Guilty Conscience Dan Gabbert 13/19

2 years ago

Are you weighted down with a guilty conscience? Many people carry a heavy load of guilt, a sense that something’s wrong. Guilt can affect a person’s entire life experience and even one’s eternal destiny. But what if the sense of guilt you feel isn’t from God? What if the guilt that torments you is false guilt? How can you tell whether your guilt is from God or whether it’s false guilt? Where does your relationship with sin and guilt begin?
Dan Gabbert addresses guilt and defines what it means to be guilty before God. Learn about the complete solution God has made available to us. Discover how to receive freedom from the guilt of sin.

Bio Of Dan Gabbert
After 33 years of full-time ministry and a master’s degree in Christian counselling, Dan focuses on helping others understand and apply the principles of mental and spiritual restoration found in the Bible. He has served as a pastoral mental health coach for the Black Hills Lifestyle Medicine Center

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