EP 1 | Are there US Funded Biolabs in Ukraine

1 year ago

Date: 3/31/22

Name of Podcast: Our Republic Matters

Episode Title and Number: Are there US funded Biolabs in Ukraine/1

Brief Summary:

Let's talk about what is happening in Ukraine. Lots of reports of Biolabs in UkraineThe Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby denied on Wednesday renewed Russian accusations that the U.S. was supporting the operation of bio-warfare labs in Ukraine, calling the claims "laughable" and suggesting Moscow may be laying the groundwork to use a chemical or biological weapon.Plus, speaking to the media on Thursday, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki further denied this claim and alleged that it is Russia that has a biological weapons program in their government.And then, Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland says in this video “The US is working with Ukraine to prevent biological research facilities from falling into the hands of Russians”The Chief Spokesman for Russia's Ministry of Defense, Major General Igor Yevgenyevich Konashenkov, has stated that Russia has proof that the United States has funded bioweapon research labs in Ukraine. To support this, Tulsie Gabbard calls for a ceasefire in Ukraine to protect our Biolabs there from the Russians.Mitt Romney called her statements treasonous. Why?Author, Speaker, Senate Candidate, Former Australian Army Special Forces Lieutenant Colonel and National Leader of AUSTRALIAONE Party gives us his ideas on Ukraine.So, do we or don’t we have
in Ukraine? Russia Says It Has Proof Of US-Funded Bioweapons Research Labs in Ukraine.
Bullet points of key topics + chapter markers
Introduction 0:06:00
Pentagon Spokesperson John Kirby 0:09:44
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki 0:10:23
Senator Marco Rubio/Victoria Nuland 0:11:21
Jewish Press Article 12:34
Tulsi Gabbard 0:15:05
Former Australian Army Special Forces Lieutenant Colonel and National Leader of AUSTRALIAONE Party 0:16:04

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