Race Is A Choice - Here’s Why

3 years ago


Race is perhaps the most intense issue in modern day America. Indeed, entire ideologies rise upon the foundation of social justice or racial justice, and those ideas shape the public discourse. Many minorities, including a plethora of African Americans, have their endure existences defined by tales of race and racism through the gospels sociological data and certain narrow social activism. It is orthodox to believe that race is something we are born with, unable to control or interact with in any meaningful way. In a sense, the idea of “race” poses a determined fate for all who fall under it. Black Lives Matter and the Stop Asian Hate movements confirm this by binding the destinies of African Americans and Asian Americans to a set of unfortunate circumstances that supposedly oppresses them. But Mr. Watson brings forth a radical idea that disrupts the general orthodoxy: He argues that race is inherently a choice. He walks his viewers through his framework of thought and explains how there is more to life than a single feature of our lives. He covers the linguistic and sociological significance of race and uses philosophical reasoning to break the concept down to a condensed, more understandable form. He hopes that his viewers will see beyond the illusion of race and assume responsibility over their own destiny. He hopes they will reject the messages from the likes of Ibram X. Kendi and Robin DiAngelo, and will embrace who they truly are: individuals.

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#politics #americanpolitics

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